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1991 Volkswagen Beetle

Volkswagen Beetle 1991

The Volkswagen Beetle was introduced to Mexico in March 1954, inside the exhibition "Alemania y su Industria" (Germany and its Industry). Four different Volkswagen vehicles were brought to Mexico through Veracruz City for the first time. Those vehicles were: two Sedans 113 in "Export" trim, a convertible, and a VW Bus in luxury trim.

At this time, the Mexican car market was mostly characterized by American makes and models with large sizes and large engines, which made a huge contrast with the new German entrant. An exhibition was held in the Ciudad Universitaria in Mexico City; during this event, the vehicles were widely admired by the public. The Volkswagen Beetles displayed there were the model with the "oval window". Former Mexican president Lázaro Cárdenas made a trip from Michoacán, just to see this peculiar vehicle.[citation needed] The local press immediately published the news into eight columns under the title "The People's Man" with the "People's Car".

On October 23, 1967, the first Volkswagen Beetle rolled off the assembly line at the Puebla plant. In mid-1968, a new 1.5 L engine was introduced, replacing the previous 1.2 L engine. A "VW 1500" badge or insignia appeared on the car's rear deck lid. On June 12, 1968, Mexico's 100,000th Beetle was produced.

For the 1989 model year, and in part because of a government decree that required the company to cut the retail price and tax reduction, the Mexican Beetle was relaunched as the Volkswagen Sedan. This new model lost its wheel caps, the body vents it had sported since 1978, and the fittings were of lower quality.

1992 Volkswagen Sedán. In this car the Brazilian stamped steel wheels are observed. Those wheels were fitted in some units between 1992 and 1994.
In the 1991 model year, by governmental disposition, the Volkswagen Beetle featured from now on a catalytic converter; however, it kept its carburetor, its electrical system with a generator and the old ignition system. These changes did not affect its power and performance. In the passenger compartment, the dashboard received new light and emergency light switches, as well as a new two-arm steering wheel. Those elements came from the design of the Golf. In addition, the Volkswagen Beetle had now a new alarm system as series equipment. Externally, this model differed due the rear apron of its central body, which was now more rounded. The function of this feature was to allow more space in accommodating the new catalytic converter within the engine compartment. The exhaust system also had only a single tailpipe, in contrast to the two tailpipes shown in the previous models.

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