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1965 Fiat 600D coupe Viotti

Fiat 600D coupe Viotti 1965

Cylinder number / capacity - 4/767 cc
Power - 32 bhp at 4800 rpm
Max speed - 110 kph
Period of production - 1955-1970
Number built - more than 2500000
Type body - Coupe
Marque bodywork - Viotti

“The most modified car by Italians”: borrowing a similar expression from a famous italian advertisement we could the fine this way the Fiat 600, the Italian dream of the post-war years. Born from an entirely new design, with an air-cooled rear engine and comfortable seating for four people, the 600, together with the Balilla and Topolino, was the car that put the “Bel Paese” on the road. The 600 was also the most transformed and personalized Italian car by the new bodybuilders and tuners who gave vent to their creativity and definitely launched the Italian style in the world.
The car on show in the museum, a 750cc version of the 600, whose engine capacity was increased in 1960 to an large the performance gap from the 500 model, was designed by Viotti, a bodybuilder working since 1921, whose name is linked to the production of several bespoke bodies for Fiat and Lancia chassis, and to the diffusion in post-war Italy of a new type of body, the station wagon at that time called more simply “giardinetta”. Fitted with a coupé body with opening canvas roof, the car has been totally restored to its original specification.

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