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1909 Локомотив 230-2085

locomotive 230-2085 Norte 3101 1909

Country of origin - Germany
Manufacturer - Hanomag
Maximum speed - 100 km / h
Power - 1197 hp

In This model of German locomotive, like 651 locomotive, meant- because of the design, power and speed- the great renewal of steam traction at the beginning of the century. Due to its power and wheel arrangement -2-3-0 ten wheeler- the Norte company entrusted them the traction of its fast trains till the middle of the decade of 1920, when they were replaced by the "Montana'4600. Unlike the MZA model, it is a simple expansion locomotive with only two cylinders, aiming to get a more simple machine with cheaper maintenance, and so party scarifying the brightness of the features of a compound locomotive. They covered the main lines of Norte and, once in RENFE, depended on the depots ot Selgua, Valencia, Lerida, Salamanca and Tarragona. They did their last services on the Tarragona -Lerida line in the 60’s.


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